I love the idea that this time of transformation is This book helped me see the upcoming date of in a much different light than most of what’s out there.Fractal time the secret of 2010 and a new world age by Gregg Braden But the truth is that this is a well-written, well-researched look into the new science of quantum physics and the nature of time itself. Give the book a chance to change your perception of how the world works and your co-creative part in it! Aquino was diagnosed with colon cancer. January to March was a period of leftist unrest in the Philippines, composed of heavy demostrations, protests, and marches against the government. Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age Applying fractal time to the history of the world and life, he proposes that everything from the war and peace between nations to the patterns of human relationships mirror the returning cycles of our past. The peculiar thing is that the interval becomes shorter and shorter. He introduces some scientific principles and information that really made me think.

So the next intent is to condense the Time Codes into five key takeaways, into a cheat sheet, frsctal interpretation of what the author wants to convey to his readers. The result of the next 2 calculations proved to be more interesting.īraden implored us to thank our ancestors for documenting what they found so we can prepare for what is about to come. Subsequently, liberty is taken to give a brief review and critique of the book, the presentation, the scientific credibility or lack of itand overall opinion of it. According to the calculations of Belgian astronomer Jean Meeus, it started as early as and will end sometime in Rather than focusing on end time theories, Braden explores the idea of Time Codes and Choice Points by using mathematics for his calculations and how they may relate to life and planetary cycles.Įvents will repeat themselves predictably even if the patterns are not recognized, and with greater intensity at later dates. Marrying the modern laws of fractal patterns to the ancient concept of cycles, he demonstrates how everything from the war and peace between nations rractal our most joyous relationships and personal crises are the returning patterns of our fractall. The ancient civiliations that we now have evidence of that are much older than science and history taught us in our school years was eye opening.Įxploring Fractal Time Choice Points. The well researched data including those of the US Presidents year cycle of deaths in the office is quite a revelation There is evidence of healing work on He also offers up some practical tools so you can do your own simple calculations to identify patterns in your own life. Why does prayer work when so many “godless” leaders and leaders of thought write bestsellers and command big-buck speaking tours? I did the grrgg time in my life, but I still had questions. He takes this observation that’s obvious in the area of seasons and attempts to extend it down into nraden details of our lives and up to the march of our civilization, making the requisite caveat that this all speaks to potentialities but actual events are depende Braden is definitely a man with a buzz.

As each cycle repeats, it carries a more powerful, amplified version of itself. The central premise of the book is to shed light on the hype about the purported date of 21 December being the end of the world. Fractal Time: The Secret of and a New World Age by Gregg Braden The concept of this book is quite interesting, though I’m not sure its entirely convincing for me. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. The actual grdgg he makes have been picked apart by other reviews so I recommend reading them.

This cosmic trek has been noted in several ancient records from several continents, and the first part of the book details information about how the date was ascertained. December 31, at 3: Nice and superb blog it help me a lot thanks for The text flows smoothly over the surface of numerous concepts, linking them with the adeptness of an NLP master neuro-linguistic programing.
Gregg braden fractal time calculator code#
I tried out the Time Code calculator using events of my own life, as suggested, and certainly found some wild tine. The concepts and the scientific data are just overwhelming. In this fascinating book, Gregg Braden merges the modern discoveries of nature’s patterns (fractals) with the ancient view of a cyclic universe. The Spontaneous Healing of Belief ( abridged. CIS Seminar International Development I “Fractal Time: The Secret of and a New World Age” Gregg Braden Essay written by: Ann Ruth P.